Tuesday, May 15, 2007

FO: White circle shrug

This is the second of three iterations of the circle shrug concept. I know, start in the middle why don't I? It is, however, the best looking of the three. I found the idea in the craftster forums, and created my own pattern for it. It's a very simple recipe, essentially a folded rectangle which you pick up stitches from the long edge of and knit around for a ruffle. In this case, the rectange is the 'english mesh' lace pattern from some washcloth pattern somewhere, and the ruffle is my own figuring (I'm sure someone else has devised and name it before, but I haven't seen it).
Stitch pattern (roughly):
r1: k2tog yo p
r2: k yo p2tog
It's essentially k1p1 ribs with yo's in between and is completely reversible, which was the desired attribute.
Due to the heavy drapey nature of the yarn, it doesn't need blocking beyond laying flat to dry, which is nice.

So, vital stats (I honestly remember all of these - wow)
yarn: gedifira 'big', a cotton acrylic blend 3 balls. I bought this for a tube top, then realized that was a bad idea, knit another top for which it was entirely too heavy, and finally it found a home here, for which it is very suitable, soft and drapey.
needles: size 8 bamboo circular. The plymouth one with the joins I don't like, which is why I remember it.
gauge: er, it's lace. One repeat of the english mesh is 2 inches across and 3 inches tall. One repeat of the lacy rib is 1.5 inches across.

close up:


Anonymous said...

Ooh, that's very lovely. Could you post a photo of the front?

5elementknitr said...

Very pretty!

Anonymous said...

Very nice.

BTW, I liked the yarn from Japan. I've been known to crochet a thing or two. But knitting is much harder for me. But I enjoy looking at the work of talented knitters. And of course, I love yarn shops.

Thanks for the recent comment. I'm trying my best to keep RSS. But I'll let you know whatever happens.

Anonymous said...

Thats gorgeous! I want to try now! Hahah :) you should type up your patterns that you create and see if a local yarn store would be interested in selling them on your behalf.

Anonymous said...

that is such a cool shrug.

thanks for your comment about how you handle missing stitches.