Maybe it's the weather
I've been knitting about as much as I've been posting recently. We've been house hunting all summer (I think we can now officially qualify ourselves as 'picky') with negligible results, which make me grouchy. That and summer t.v. is terrible. So, I haven't made any progress to speak of on the fps. But even 'no progress' adds up to something when it's been sitting on your couch for, what, three months now? The second ball is looking painfully flat and hollow, and the finished knitting now reaches to my chin when I step on the corners and pull. (describing this sounds like I'm doing such terrible mean things to my lace - stepping on it?! I feel a little guilty now) I've decided that 'as tall as I am' using the same measure will be appropriate, which equates to about (who am I kidding, it equates to exactly) three more rows. Finite. I might finish this thing.
[No picture - I can't think of a way to compose this without it looking strange and headless, and I'm an old-fashioned prude who things posting your pictures on the internet is a darn silly thing to do - you'll get a blocking shot soon enough (three more months maybe? everyone cool with that?)]
I also finished the grey fair-isle. But think I will re-do the bindoff on the neck to the kitchener style, since as-is is a little sloppy.
[What? you expected a picture of that too? okok, by 'finished' I meant 'knitting is done' not 'seamed' there is no sweater... but! I have a good reason for not seaming (I really don't mind seaming...) I think the yarn I used is a little to lumpy, fuzzy and tensile-weak to be good for seaming. So I need to venture out and procure more. I'm honestly thinking wool-ease. Smooth, strong, many colored, and cheap. Am I crazy?
Besides, it's a heavy, rough, worsted, outwear sweater. I plan to ski in it. Who needs on of those in August? There is no rush]
Also finished these sleeves. and started on the body. Buttonholes are going ok, despite much hand-wringing on my part. However, having passed the straight knitting part, I realized that I do not understand my notes, and thus must visit with the original again to figure out what the heck I was thinking.
1 comment:
Life's too short to NOT be picky! Especially when it comes to something as huge as buying a house.
Good luck!
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